Sunday 15 December 2013

Vaseline Essential Moisture Cocoa Radiant Moisturising Body Oil Gel

After a hiatus I have returned to review my latest beauty purchases!
Expect an influx of queued posts as I get back down to business.

First up on the list is: Vaseline Essential Moisture Cocoa Radiant Moisturising Body Oil Gel (200ml, £4.99 from Boots)

Vaseline Essential Moisture Cocoa Radiant Moisturising Body Oil Gel
Now I originally bought this because not only was I obviously feeling very seche and needed a new moisturiser, but I had previously tried the Johnson's Baby Oil version of a 'body oil gel' that you apply to wet skin post-shower and it was such a pain to get out of the tube that I abandoned it in favour of this one. Now the Vaseline version comes out of the bottle very easily, almost too easily that at times I have ended up slathering myself with way too much and ended up looking a bit oily. It is much more intense than the Johnson's one, that's one of my only criticisms and I'm sure one could be a lot more sparing and less zealous in application than I. The smell is nice if you're a fan of cocoa, which I know not everyone is but I like a bit of the buttery chocolate smell here and there. It does make you very, very soft which is the aim of the game, and I enjoy using this type of moisturiser as they seem very effective and luxurious once you pat off after a shower. I don't usually opt for Vaseline products as the whole 'petroleum jelly' thing is a bit of an unusual choice to put on yourself, but I do like this as a heavier alternative to my trusty E45 (a glamorous choice). This was also on a half price offer when I purchased it so that's always a bonus to tempt me to try something! I'd also like to try the Aloe Vera one once this has all been used up for a fresher alternative, but this is a nice option for winter.

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